What is The Best Way To Make More Sales Online?

Do you want to make more sales online in this new world?
My guess is that you want to findout how to make more sales online because you own a product or services that you believe the world needs but you’re not sure how to generate more sales.
One of the major reasons businesses fail is because they do not have enough revenue to “sustain” the business.
Companies cannot have enough revenue when they don’t have enough sales.
One of the early signs is when they can’t pay workers salaries promptly and when they start defaulting in bill payment.
My thinking is that, you do not want to get there, or do you?
Anyway, how do you make more sales in this new world?
Well, my answer is this…
It depends!
On what?
The price of what you’re selling.
You see, if you are selling online, the strategies are going to be different depending on the price of what you’re selling.
For example, you can go to Facebook or any of those platforms and buy traffic, and send it directly to your pages.
Now, there are two pages…
One is an Optin page.
Look at example below.

The opt-in page has only one goal…
To collect people’s contact and you will eventually sell to them via that contact.
Then, there’s also the sales page.
The goal of the sales page is to help your prospect BUY from you immediately.
Example below…

You just send people directly to the sales page to buy you stuff.
Now, the big question is…
Should you send people directly to your sales page or make them go through your optin pages and process?
Here's my answer...
It depends. (Just what you wanted to hear, right.)
If you're using an ultra-low-ticket offer... like a free+shipping or little $7 product/service... I recommend you bypass a lead capture page and send direct to the sales page.
For example, my HOT NEW book, take a look below...

We run campaigns online directly to sales pages, and have the people buy without capturing their details because it's a low-price offer.
In this case, the ultra-low-ticket offer functions as your qualifying step and serves as the "lead generator".
Meaning, you capture their details ONLY after they've already paid you because it's a low-priced offer.
Most times, when you're using a lead capture page BEFORE an ultra-low-ticket offer, at least half (or more) of your traffic will never see the offer... because they won't optin.
One time, we were selling my first book, Passion To Dollars, I noticed that more than half of the people who were giving us their contacts were not buying.
At that point, I decided to kill the optin page and focus on sending traffic directly to sales page, and sales skyrocketed.
So it's more difficult to make an ultra-low-priced offer work with paid traffic when using a lead capture page because of how it increases the cost of every visitor to your sales page.
In most markets, paid traffic has just become too expensive to use a lead capture page before an ultra-low-ticket offer.
So... ultra-low-ticket offer... go direct to sales page.
Depending on your market and the cost of traffic for your industry, this may also apply to lower ticket offers like $29, $49, etc.
What about mid-tier and higher-priced offers?
In those cases I still advise you capture the lead before presenting your marketing message and offers...
Because with mid-tier and higher-ticket offers you're likely going to need some good follow-up...
Especially with cold, paid traffic.
Of course, you can do this follow-up with retargeting ads. And you should. But, today, email is still the king when it comes to follow-up.
So... mid-tier and higher-ticket... send to a lead capture page first.
Of course, there are nuances in every business model. So this isn't a hard and fast rule.
But this should serve as a nice guide for you.
And if you're hungry to grow, and you want to stand the chance of having me and my team standing behind you to help you grow, click here to see if you qualify.
Yes, we are very picky but if you're lucky to be picked, your competitors will be in great trouble.
We'll help you crush them but the first step is to click here to apply.
Alright, that said, are you currently using this strategies to sell your stuffs?
Leave your comment in the comment session below, I'll respond.