Facebook Marketing in Nigeria: 6 Amazing Case Studies To Skyrocket Your Business in 2021
Facebook advertising platform is one tool that can triple the growth of any business within a short time.
Once you know what you are doing and set up an advert on Facebook, it can literally take a business from ‘good’ to ‘exceedingly great’ almost overnight.
We ran almost 600 Facebook advertisements last year and the return on investment was massive, both for ourselves and our clients.
The problem is that most businesses in Nigeria are yet to understand the power of Facebook advertising, and for those who do understand that it works, they try to use it but don’t’ get the kind of results they are capable of getting.
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Read this carefully…
In the second quarter of 2017, Facebook made  $9.16 BILLION dollars in revenue.
How do you think Facebook makes its money?
It is simply from people who use their platform to advertise because currently, Facebook has over 2 billion active people (monthly) on it platform.
The reason people gave Facebook $9.16 Billion in less than 180 days is because they were making money off Facebook 2 Billion audiences.
Let me ask you, all the radio, TV and newspapers combined in Nigeria do not even have up to 150 million active users but Facebook has over 2 Billion active users monthly.
As at 2017, Facebook had over 17 million active users in Nigeria.
Can you see why Facebook is going to be a game-changer for your business in 2019?
The best thing is that no matter what you sell, no matter your price point, no matter your location, Facebook advertising allows you to reach the exact people you’re seeking to reach.
You’ll be surprised how you will ‘kill’ your competitors this year if you add Facebook as a marketing strategy.
Facebook announced that in the first quarter of 2016 (Yes, Q1 of 2016), 16 Million Nigerians log into their platform.
Img: Techpoint NG
Now, that was in Q1 of 2016 when Facebook monthly user was 1.65 Billion.
Let me quickly share a personal story…
A few years ago, one of my companies went international because we only wanted to work with international clients based in US, Canada, Australia, and other parts of the world.
Guess what happened?
The company literally become profitable almost immediately.
In 2015, the company generated about $250,000 as revenue for the entire year.
Not too bad if you consider that if we had left the company in Nigeria, we probably wouldn’t have been able to generate even 30 Million naira in 2015.
For example, if we charge a company 500,000 naira for a project, it may take some struggle before they are able to make payment but if you charge $5,000 to someone who is elsewhere in the world, it may not be hard for them to pay.
The key to growing a business is charging the right person, the right fee.
The key to growing a #business is charging the right #person, the right #fee.
Even though we were charging about $5,000 per business then, there were some other people who were charging as much as 15,000 dollars per project and even more.
It was Facebook advertising that made us reach those people and sold our products and services to them.
We took that company from $250,000 to over $1,000,000 in 2016, then in 2017, it did over $3 Million dollars.
We were acquiring customers who have the money to pay and Facebook advertising was the place of choice for us because it is super highly targeted.
Do you know what I mean when I say ‘Facebook is super highly targeted?’
Let me explain what I mean, it will help you understand me very well.
Let us say I have a barbing shop around Maryland in Lagos state.
As a barbing salon owner, it will be stupid for me to try to reach someone who stays in Ajah to come to Maryland to have their hair cut.
Facebook advertising will allow me to reach ONLY people who stay in Maryland (Lagos state), I could even target the streets or estate I want, I can target the age bracket and the gender I want.
So, if my shop is unisex, I can target both males and females but if it’s not, I could target either males or females.
I can even go further.
Let’s say I am selling expensive cars, I could place my advert on the faces of ONLY people who have the money to pay.
So, I then target them based on their income and net worth.
Can you see that?
The reason I would want to do that is that I want to reach only people who have the money to pay for my product and service.
Facebook advertising can take a business from ‘Point A’ to ‘Point W’ but like everything else, if you don’t know what you are doing, you’re likely going to lose your money.
That’s why you hear some people say Facebook isn’t working for me, it is not that Facebook advertising has an issue, it is actually the person who is missing it.
Every Nigerian business should be actively advertising on Facebook because it is the cheapest way to acquire new customers at a profit.
Now, get the word ‘acquire new customers at a profit.
The best way to grow a #business is by acquiring #customers at a #profit via paid media
Not all customer acquisition is profitable but Facebook advertising is ALWAYS profitable if you do it correctly.
Today, I’m going to share some best-performing Facebook adverts so that you can just ‘copy and paste’.
Are you ready for this ride with me?
Ok, let’s go there…
#1: From 208 sales to 641 in less than 1 month.
Overnight Prints is a printing company, they ran a very successful Facebook adverting campaign in 2017, and guess what?
They went from 208 sales to 641 sales within one month and the cost of acquiring the customer went down.
Take a look below, that was the exact advert they ran.
Remember I said acquiring customers at a profit?
That was exactly what happened to them.
The cost of the product they were selling was $19.85 but they were spending $0.42Â each time they made a sale.
I’m not sure you understand that, let me explain.
Anytime Facebook sends them a customer, the customer pays them $19.85, while Facebook charges $.42, less than a dollar.
If you were the owner of that company, will you stop running the Facebook marketing campaign?
I know your answer, lolz!
Facebook is extremely powerful if you get it correctly.
If you think that was awesome, take a look at the second ad and the result.
#2:Â From $5 Million to $10 Million
The amazing Noah Kagan is the founder and CEO of Sumo.
If you know him as I do, you’ll know that this guy is EXTREMELY smart, his brand is a multi-million brand.
He wanted to grow Sumo which is one of his businesses, he used a  Facebook marketing campaign and the result is sterling.
They were able to go from $5 million to $10 Million using only Facebook advertising.
Take a look at the adverts he ran below…
If that isn’t good, I wonder what is good.
Let me share one of the ads I (and my amazing team) ran for my personal brand.
#3: Filled A Live Event, sold 2,000 books Before publishing
Last year, we ran a Facebook advert.
There were two goals…
1: To make people pre-order my new book, Passion To Dollars
2: To fill-up my live event, MONETIZE YOUR PASSION SUMMIT.
We filled the room and even had to BEG people not to come in again because of the facility we were using and we pre-sold over 2,000 copies of our book, Passion To dollars.
Here’s one of the ads we ran last year…
Facebook has taken my personal brand, Johnson Emmanuel to a totally different level in less than 11months.
That’s not all yet, take a look the result this other Facebook adverting brought.
#4: $500,000 in Annual sales
State Bicycle Co. is a bicycle company, they ran a Facebook marketing campaign that blew up their business.
They grew their audience from 4,500 to 480,000 loyal and highly engaged followers and they made $500,000 in annual revenue from their Facebook advertising campaign.
It was a great campaign for a bicycle company. If a bicycle company can get such sterling results, there’s no reason why you cant.
Take a look at the advert Fela ran…
#5: Fela Spent $4,414 and got $43,130 Via Facebook Marketing
Yes, you saw that very well.
I don’t mean Fela Durontonye, the leadership, and motivational guru, I mean Fela, the musician.
Even though he’s gone, his name (Fela) keeps making him a lot of money.
#6: Chevrolet sold 23 vehicles using Facebook adverting
I have seen so many Chevrolet products on the Nigerian roads.
The company ran a Facebook ad campaign recently and they were able to sell 23 cars, getting a 23% return on their investment.
Can you imagine that?
So, you run an advertising campaign, you spend $1 and you get back $23.
How cool is that?
Facebook advertising can take any business from anywhere in the world to the center of the world. I have shown you some successful Facebook case studies.
Sometimes, people try to run an advert on Facebook and they don’t see any ROI.
The reason is that most people approach Facebook advertising wrongly. If you do the wrong thing, you don’t expect to get the right result.
For example, most people forget that Facebook is a social platform, it is not a marketplace where you can just scream on top of your voice ‘buy from me’, ‘I am here for business.
The other day a friend was on Facebook, trying to ‘hard sell’ to me.
I asked her to stop, and check the image below.
The problem is that most people who are too in a hurry to make the sales and by trying to close the sale, they eventually lose the sale.
 Facebook is a place to build friendships and eventually, the sales will naturally take place. Just imagine this…
You are a lady and one day you are at a busy bus stop like Oshodi trying to catch a bus to a place that is very important to you.
You’re already late and the buses that are coming are not going your way.
While you’re trying to see what to do, trying to look for alternatives and options.
Then one guy who is not going your way comes to you and says he likes you and right there at the bus stop, he starts saying he likes you so much and he would like to marry you.
What would you say or do to the guy?
Be honest.
I’m sure that guy will be very lucky to leave without a very ‘good’ insult or a dirty slap.
That is EXACTLY what most people do on social platforms.
Nobody comes to Facebook with their credit card in hand looking for what to buy, if they want to buy something, they did rather jump to Jumia, Konga, Jiji, and all these other places.
People who come to Facebook, do so to socialize.
You must socialize first is that people can get to know, like, and trust you, and then giving you money will be less of a problem.
Facebook works for any business, no matter your market or price point, you need to have the right strategy and mindset first.
Secondly, if you’re running a Facebook advertising campaign, you need to be sure that your message is irresistible.
If your copy is dull and boring, people will want to come close to you.
It is not what you say but how you say what you say.
Most Nigerian Facebook advert campaigns I see have a very poor copy and when your messaging is poor, people are not going to want to buy from you.
Let me explain what I mean, it will help you understand this very well…
There was this book that was published in the 1980s and the title was Astrological Love.
Let’s even face it, can you guess what the book is talking about from that title alone?
Is it talking about love for astrology or something else?
No one is sure.
The author published the book and got about 5,000 sales and the book went into extinction.
Then in the early 1990s, another publisher took the same book and change the title from ‘Astrological Love’ to ‘How to satisfy any woman in bed every single time and have her bed for more.
If you’re a man who is seeking to satisfy a woman or a woman who is seeking to have your man satisfy you, which of these two books will you buy?
The same book, the book author, only title change.
Guess what happened?
The book sold 2.5 million copies and went on to become a New York Times best-selling book.
It is not what you say but how you say it, I have repeatedly told our clients, and luckily, they listen and get amazing results.
Why do you think every day people go to a newspaper stand?
It is not what you say but how you say it, that is what also happens in Facebook advertising campaigns.
Thirdly, most people who try to advertise on Facebook do wrong targeting, meaning they target the wrong set of people.
The first key to success in any kind of business is knowing who your market is, you must be very, very clear on who you’re seeking to target.
What is their gender?
How old are they?
Where can they be found?
What do they read?
Who do they follow?
How much do they earn?
What is their pain?
What keeps them at night?
Once you’re able to answer all these questions and not just answer them but answer them CORRECTLY.
Targeting is key to a successful Facebook campaign.
Fourthly, you need to be able to use attractive visuals.
Facebook is very BIG on visuals, you must use images that will capture the attention of people.
Facebook allows only 20% text and 80% visual.
I can absolutely tell you that Facebook can take your business from where you currently are to the next level, a level that may even be bigger than your imagination.
I showed you some case studies of 23% return on ad spend.
Let’s wrap this up…
In 2019, Facebook is going to expand beyond its current size and you have no reason not to be doing Facebook marketing.
I have shown you several case studies that you can ‘copy and paste’ to grow your business this year.
It doesn’t matter what you sell, it doesn’t matter what your price point is, Facebook marketing can grow your business really quickly.
It is not enough to just read this post and go away, you need to take action and open another channel for customer acquisition because, the larger your channels, the bigger the chances of reaching more people with your goods and service.
One thing you should know is that the strategies of last year may not work this year, and even if it does work, your competitors are not sleeping, they’re also working hard to get you out of your current position.
So, I’m curious, what is your experience with Facebook, or what would you like to sell through Facebook. Comment below!

Derin Ogunmola
Founder, Dorothy David Consulting
When it comes to marketing, Johnson Emmanuel knows his onion. His passion for marketing and business growth is infectious. It's really a privilege working with him

He is the founder of, Havanzer, one of the fastest growing marketing agencies. Africa.com calls him the top 5 marketing influencials in Africa. He is considered the #1 authority on engineering profitable customer acquisition campaigns in Africa.Johnson is famous for creating multi-million dollars marketing strategies, campaigns and systems.
Wow…This post is awesome! Great work on it. It stands out from a lot of fluff Nigerian bloggers put out per second.
Thanks, my friend. Keep me posted about your success.
Am Festus, I want you to handle my Facebook advertising. How do we start?
Hey Festus,please, go to https://johnsonemmanuel.com/marketing-consultation/
Let’s talk about a little bit of Facebook vocabulary, because to people who have never done this before, custom audiences, Lookalikes can be kind of overwhelming.
But really, when you understand it, it’s not that bad.
Custom Audience:
So custom audiences you can make from pretty much anything, right? You can say, make me a custom audience of everyone who’s viewed my order page, but has not viewed my thank you page.
Lookalike Audience:
So lookalike audiences, you can create, let’s say you have somebody who likes your page, let’s say you create a Facebook fan page for your jewelry store, or if you’re an entrepreneur, and people are liking your own page, right?
Once you have enough people who like your page, you can create what’s called a lookalike audience of those people who like your page.
So the last Facebook vocabulary that is absolutely necessary to know is what’s called the Facebook pixel.
It’s basically a piece of code that you get from your Facebook ad account that you put, in the background of your website.
So if you want to retarget a person on Facebook using Facebook ads, we know that he’s visited your website.
Thanks for adding this.
We are making a video so that people will understand this better.
If you want to get that, send an email to support@Johnsonemmanuel.com and it’s free.
Facebook advert