Customer Acquisition: How the Fastest-Growing Companies Use Multi-Channel Marketing For Explosive Growth.

How do successful companies go about their customer acquisition in this digital age?
You can run some ads on Google or Facebook...
Maybe create some landing pages and 'dream clients' magnets to help improve performance...
But what separates really successful campaigns from 'average' ones?
I'm not just talking about growing companies but "scaling" companies.
Here are some interesting stats for you...
Marketing automation platform, Omnisend, ran a study where they analysed 2 billion campaigns sent using their platform in 2018.

They found that companies using 3 or more channels in their marketing campaigns...
Earned a 90% higher customer retention rate...
Achieved 250% higher engagement and purchase rates...
And were likely to spend 13% more than customers who experienced just one channel.
So what does that all mean?
It means that if you want to drive SERIOUS GROWTH, if you really want to acquire clients at a crazy speed, you need to run campaigns that leverage 3 or more channels.
If you really want to acquire clients at a crazy speed, you need to run campaigns that leverage 3 or more channels.
It's the same thing that took Aussie Brandband from $25million to $50 million in short 12 months.

I'm talking about a company that wanted and got massive growth.
This same company added $100 million in revenue after another 12 months.
One of the biggest lies i've heard from some "guru" business consultant is that all you need is to take care of your existing customer base.
So, they say "you need to be sure that your current customers are happy so they will keep buying from you or else, you'd be out of business".
That's half-truth but first...
You've got to be sure that you are providing amazing services.
You've got to be sure that you're taking good care of your customers but...
Sometimes, some people will leave you, and it may not even be because you did anything wrong.
It doesn't matter how great your service is, some customers will ALWAYS leave you at some point, you need contingencies.
Some customers will leave you at some point, you need contingencies. Always be acquiring customers.
That's why you should be acquiring customers ALWAYS.
Invest in multi-channel, that way, you and your brand becomes omnipresent.
I've heard people countlessly say they saw us almost everywhere, that builds trust.
It's how Australian Ethical Super Super went from $787M to over $1 Billion in assets under management in 12 months...

That's from $787M to over $1 billion, all because of multi-channel marketing approach.
Multi-channel marketing is actually for scaling company who already have a proven market, products/services and an amazing offer.
All you want to be doing is to make more people see that offer.
Take Logitech who sold 53% more of their webcam simply because they deployed multi-channel market.
This is the approach that the fastest-growing companies in the world are adopting to sail past their competitors.
We know... because we modelled it from them.
We've used it for our companies and those of our clients
So if you want to know what it REALLY takes to drive long-term, sustainable growth in an increasingly difficult (and now economically challenging) environment, then take some time out of your day to talk to the growth experts in our marking agency.
I must add this...
Due to the high number of application we get, we may not be able to accept ever company but if you're picked, you can be 100% sure that we can help you.
Go ahead and click it.
Let me ask you, how are you going to approach your company's growth with multi-channel marketing?