3 Secrets To Grow Your Business Very Quickly Even If Your Prices Are High & Competition Stiff.
Do you want to skyrocket your business and revenue but not sure what to do?
Is the competition scaring you?
Most times, when business owners and entrepreneurs want to grow their businesses, the first thing they think about is spending money to acquire customers.
I was with a company the other day, they have a huge marketing budget but they were not getting value for money.
Every month, they were spending about 15 million naira ($42,000) but it was like they were throwing the money into the toilet and flushing it.
I asked them, ‘so, what is the result you’re getting for spending that sum per month?’
And the head of marketing said something like this…
‘Hmmm, we have a marketing budget that must be spent monthly and that is what we do’.
It shouldn’t be so.
Most digital marketing agencies in Nigeria and else way get it wrong when it comes to growing a business online.
If you have an established business and you want to take it to the ‘next level’, you’re going to love what I’ll be sharing you today.
I'm going to show you 3 secret to grow your business, charge higher fees and crush your competition.
It doesn’t matter what you sell, it doesn’t matter your price point, it doesn’t matter who you sell to, what I’m going to share with you is what we charge multiple millions to help businesses execute.
Let’s get going…
Secret #1: Find ‘Hidden Revenue Centers’
Most times when a business owners or entrepreneur wants to grow their revenue, they start looking from ‘outside’.
When you work with us, what we do is to look for ways to grow your business by looking ‘within’.
Let me tell you this truth…
In every business (including yours), there are between 6 to 21 revenue and profit centers hiding within your business.
It is your duty or the duty of your marketing consultant to help you uncover those hidden profit centers.
Over the years, It is a thing we have done very, very well and it has moved our clients' businesses from ‘oh gosh!’ to ‘Thank you so much for growing our business’.
Let me give you some proven example to help you understand what I mean.
One of our clients runs one of the leading travel agencies in Nigeria.
They wanted to take their business to the ‘next level’ and wanted help really quickly.
There are several strategies we use to grow businesses and that is why they get exceptional results.
When we work with any business, our goal is only one thing-Grow REVENUE.
Eventually, we decided to work with this company after the meet all our conditions, and guess what happened?
They got amazing results.
Here was a company that was struggling to survive because of the economic recession at the time.
First, we looked at their 'hidden profit centers' to uncover hidden revenue and profit.
In less than 24hours, they were shocked how they 'milk out' 2.5 Million naira ($7,000) from the same business.
Yes, two million five hundred naira ($ 7,000) in less than 24hours, I mean ‘row’ cash. Money in the bank.
After a few weeks, they generated another 8 million naira ($23,000) and a few months, they generated about 28 million naira ($78,000) in revenue without running an advert.
If that isn’t sweet enough, let me tell you the case study of another great guy.

Ikenna (surname withheld) is a lovely guy who runs a thriving business in the real estate sector.
He was very desperate to grow his business and wanted help really, really fast.
We had a strategy session for 90 minutes and we were able to uncover hidden revenue centers within his business and guess what happened?
This guy was able to generate N25 million naira ($65,000) in revenue without running any ads.
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Let me repeat this…
In every business, there are 6 to 22 ‘hidden revenue centers’, you need to first uncover those centers before spending money to acquire customers.
Secret #2: Acquire Customers Who Have Money To Pay You By Spending Money
If you currently have a business and you’re not spending money to acquire customers, you DO NOT have a business yet.
Take all the tech giants of the world, Facebook, Amazon, eBay and others, they all spend money to acquire new customers.
Take the e-commerce giants, Jumia, Konga and others, they spend money to acquire customers.
Most entrepreneurs and business owners are adverse to spending money to acquire customers.
You can’t grow any business without spending money on ads.
Take a look at all the multi-billion naira or dollar businesses, they all spend money to ‘buy’ customers.
However, there is a right way and a wrong way of advertising to get customers.
Most people are so quick to run Facebook adverts and other forms of adverts to get customers and 93% of the times, they don’t get any ROI.
The truth is, there are right and wrong ways of doing things on the internet, unfortunately, and most people are doing stuff the wrong way.
They focus more on the tactics without the strategies, forgetting that the ‘strategies’ are more important than the tactics.

Let me give you a case study of one of my clients, Elera (surname withheld)
She’s a lady who runs a multi-million naira restaurant and lounge in the high brown area of Portharcourt.
She had spent over 20 million naira ($55,000) in her business but unfortunately, she wasn’t getting the kind of result she needed to get.
She had to fly all the way from Portharcout (in Rivers state) to meet me in Lagos to help her.
Initially, she thought it was a ‘spiritual attack’ by her major competitor and as a result, she started to pray to return ‘back to senders’ prayers.
I felt for Elera when she shared her story with me and I resolved to help her.
We helped her develop and deploy a customer acquisition system and immediately, I mean within few hours, her business blew up.
While she was still in Lagos, her phone started to bang with different calls from customers who want to do business with her.
Today, she gets way more customers than she can handle and the last time we spoke, we had to help her with ‘expansion plan’ because she was getting more customers than she could handle.
If you have a good system that brings clients to you, you will get customers every single day even while you’re asleep.
By the way, you should have a system that will bring you, customers, 24/7, that is how to grow your business, super-fast, super quick.
Secret #3: Sell More To Existing Customers
This is also one of my ‘secrets’.
If a customer has given you even $1, they can give you more money.
Most people, just sell once to their customers and the go looking for more customers.
The guys in the real estate sector are very guilty of this. Once they sell something to someone, they never sell to that person again, they go looking for other people.
I know you’re smarter.
If someone has bought from you, can you make the person buy again?
Let say, usually, the person buys only once in a month, can you make the person start buying twice in a month?
We recently did this with one of the leading consulting company in the country.
The company really wanted to grow but they were not sure how to go about it.
Fine, they have a huge marketing budget to spend but we decided to sell to their existing customers first before spending more money.
We had to develop a strategy that is specifically for them and we deployed it.
We were able to help them generate additional 68 million ($189,000) naira within 4 weeks of working together.
They didn’t have to spend any money to acquire new customers, we just leverage their existing customers to help them grow and they were really shocked.
When it comes to growing a business, I look at it holistically because that is the right thing to do. Instead of talking about tactics, I spend more time thinking about strategy because that is where the BIG stuff lies.
I have developed many techniques and formulas to grow businesses and they all work in almost every market under the sun because it’s been tested.
Growing a business flows in my DNA, it comes naturally because that is my superpowers.
Michael Jackson doesn’t struggle to single when he’s on stage because that is his superpowers.
I don’t struggle to do marketing because it naturally flows in my DNA.
Anyway, my advice to you today is to pick one of these ‘secrets’ I just showed you and implement one of them and share your result with me.
Like I said, it works in every single market, no matter the price point, it works like gangbusters, I have tried it in more than 19 different markets ( I showed you about 5 different marketing in this posts).
I’m curious, which of these three secrets are you going to try today, I like to know.
All you have to do is to drop your comment in the box below and I’ll even help you with a reply so you don’t make mistakes implementing them.
Thank you so much Sir foe this free gift. Quickly, I would love to implement on the first tip. Which is finding a hidden revenue in my business. Sincerely I would have loved it if you throw more light in it so I can fully understand how to go about.
Best Regards.
Hello Frank, Glad you found it useful. I would not know how to throw more light until you ask a specific question but here’s the thing-currently, in your business, there’s between $100,000 to $5,000,0000 hidden somewhere within your business that needs to be tapped. Like i said, most business owners and entrepreneurs are quick to start looking for money outside when they have millions seated in their business.
I try to sell to people that I have sold too before but do always worry that I would be disturbing them. And I do not want to be a pest.
Thanks for reinforcing that it’s okay to.
I’ll go ahead and try.
I’d love to know how to set a system that brings customers my way daily.
Great to hear from you Ijeoma. Yes, it is OK to sell more to existing customers so long you do it the right way. If you do it wrongful, you’ll become a ‘pest’ to them, and you dont want to do that. Check this post to get some insights. https://johnsonemmanuel.com/business-growth-strategies-in-2018/
For getting more customers, please, check these posts https://johnsonemmanuel.com/irresistible-marketing/ https://johnsonemmanuel.com/3-secrets-grow-business/
Will these strategies apply to network and affiliate marketing?
Yes, Joy! It will work for any market, no matter what you sell. You might not to customized it to fit into your need. Let me know if there’s a specific question you have as regards to that.
Pls I need urgent help!!!
What help you need, Beatrice?
Send an email to support@JohnsonEmmanuel.com and some on my team will reach out.