Want to start an online business but you not sure which idea is going to be profitable?
You’re not alone.
Sometimes, coming up with a profitable online business idea could be a daunting task, and that is one of the reasons people fail online.
Most people want to start an online business but they are not sure what idea will work best and they brainstorm and brainstorm and brainstorm and keep brainstorming and at the end of the day, NOTHING!
If you check out the image below, you will see that there are millions of people searching for ‘online business ideas’ and Google also shows up a lot of results too.

There are so many different and conflicting ideas with too many ‘gurus’ teaching different things. It’s not impossible for one not to get confused.
The goodnews is that you too can launch a HIGHLY profitable online business and it doesn’t matter if you are currently in a paid employment, it doesn’t matter if you have tried to do it before and failed many times, it doesn’t matter if you are already an established entrepreneur, it doesn’t matter if you are a complete novice.
My goal today is to show you how to generate multi-million naira online business idea and ofcourse, show you how to turn it into 'real world' business.
My goal today is to give you REAL live online business ideas and case studies that anybody can use to launch an online business in Nigeria or anywhere else in the world.
So, are you ready?
Before we dive in, I need you to know that nothing will change until you decide to make a change. So, raise up your left hand and repeat after me…
‘I, (CALL YOUR NAME), will take action on at least one of this business ideas so that I can launch a highly profitable business so that I can impact the lives of people and also be free of money worries’.
Now, that you have said that, let’s dive into the ideas.
Step #1: Turn Your Passion Into A Business.
Wait a second, What do I mean by ‘passion’?
I define it as something that you are crazy about.
Something you can do for FREE.
Something that even if you are not paid and after doing it, you’ll be fulfilled.
I have a friend who wanted to become a pastor, he was crazy about it. In fact, sometimes, we got scared the way he talks about it.
He would even jokingly he doesn’t mind being broke so long he is a pastor.
He talks it.
He dreams it.
That is passion.
What are YOU passionate about?
To some people, their passion is football, to others it is music and to some others it is wrestling.
I have repeatedly told the story of a guy called David DeAnegelo.
He was very shy talking to ladies and for a guy, nothing can be so embarrassing like it.
You see a lady you like, instead of walking up to her and telling her what you feel, you start making excuses like…
‘Hmmm, this girl is too beautiful, she must have a boyfriend, let me let her go’
‘I don’t think she’s going to say ‘YES’ because …’
You make serious excuses why you shouldn’t talk to her but the real reason is because you are ‘shy’ and highly introverted.
That was the case of David DeAnegelo.
However, he got help from some of his friends and overcame that attitude.
Immediately after that, he decided to help other guys like him.
That became his passion.
He wanted to see shy guys get attracted to any kind of lady even if they are broke or ugly. He launched a highly successful business.
When I say highly successful, I mean highly successful business.
$10,000,000 business, he started from scratch.

What are you passionate about?
What will you happily do even if you will not be paid?
Get a pen and paper and list it out.
Step #2: Turn Your 9-5 Paid Employment Into A Business.
Let’s say you are in a paid employment right now.
It doesn’t matter what you are employed to do.
You could be a lawyer, banker, receptionist, HR, no matter what your job specification and description are, you have a certain function that you perform on a daily basis at your place of work.
For example, if you are currently employed as an accountant at your place of work, why not provide…
A service/product on bookkeeping.
In fact, you can even go a step further.
A few years ago, I meet an accountant who was working at a firm he complained that he wasn’t happy on the job because of the pay package.
Let’s call him OSAGIE.
Here’s what I asked him to do…
‘Why not look for at least 10 small business owners, provide a subscription service where they pay you monthly fees and you act as their accountant’.
Raise up your hand if you’re an action taker like OSAGIE!
Anyway, the next day, this guy went to work and created (with my help) an IRRESISTIBLE OFFER for small businesses.
While his goal was to get 10 small business owners, he ended up getting 28 people.
He was charging each person N15,000 naira.
Do you have a calculator?
Bring out your phone, LOLz.
Cool N420,000 ($1,300, kia! I hate to do dollar conversion, LOL) in his first month in business.
Did he continue going to the place where they were making him to workout his butt, sleep on the floor for the oga (boss) at the top and pay him N130,000 ($363, yes it is real, $363) per month?
For What!
After 3months, he gave his boss a red card.

One thing this guy did was to go ahead and brand his business properly.
Today, he’s doing over 7-figures per month and he’s got 3 staff working for him.
The story of Camille Holden and Taylor Croonquist is also amazing.
They both work in the design department at their office.
People were always asking them questions about POWERPOINT.
They started helping people out with powerpoint design, one day, they resigned and launch their 6-figures (America dollar) business.

Guess what?
They resigned from their place of work and today, they are doing their own thing, and they are happy and successful.
Yes, you too can do it.
It doesn’t matter what you do at your place of work, you can start a side-gig with that and gradually FIRE YOUR BOSS!
Still now sure what you should do?
Then, do this…
Step #3: Use The ‘LumpUp Strategy’
If you are still not certain how to start your own online business, the ‘LUMPUP STRATEGY’ is going to be a ‘banker’ for you.
Here’s how that works…
It’s called ‘LUMPUP’. It basically you listing out everything you can do in this life.
Yes, everything single thing you think you can do.
I want to give you a practical example but I’m afraid I don’t want to call any body’s name.
Anyway, lets me use my name ‘Johnson’ but PLEASE, this is just me trying to explain something to you, DON’T link me up with the list oh, I beg you! LOLz!
Ok,lets go...
Cook egusi soap
Cook rice and stew
Wash T-shirt
Dress very well on suit
Attract women
Can give a woman great sex
Can easily win a woman’s heart even if she’s stubborn (LOLz)
Can influence people’s decision
Play football
Fitness exercise
Internet surfing
Motivational speaker
For me, I will stop here but yours could be 1000s, just list everything as they come to you.
The next thing you want to do is to look for the trend or what some people call ‘theme’.
What that means is that we look for what is common among all the things I have listed.
Cook egusi soap
Cook rice and stew
Wash T-shirt
Dress very well on suit
Attract women
Can give a woman great sex
Can easily win a woman’s heart even if she’s stubborn
Can influence people’s decision
Play football
Fitness exercise
Internet surfing
Can you see what is happening here? Check out all the ones that are in BOLD
I have just come up with an amazing new online business idea. .
I came up with three actually and they all fall under…
So, I’d just settle with relationship, which is helping guys to ATTRACT WOMEN, HAVE GREAT SEX and WIN OVER A WOMAN’S HEART.
That's all we need to do,right?
No way!
This is the time to collect the money from people, you want to VALIDATE your idea.
I mean, no matter how great your business ideas are if no one pays for it, it is stupid.
The way you VALIDATE your online business idea is by asking someone for money, NOT by asking them if they like it or what they think.
If they like it, they will pay and if they don’t, they won't.
So, get 10 people you know that are likely to have the problem your business idea can solve and ask them to pay you money.
You can send them this SMS/Email but I prefer you actually call them up.
‘Hello, Johnson,
I’m currently working on a new product/service that will help guy have great sex. In fact, it will show you how to satisfy any woman on the bed every single time and have her beg you for more.
I just open the product for beta testing and it is just N10,000, I need only three people and I know this is going to sell-out because I’m also telling my other friends about it.
I just thought you’ll also like it, that is why I reached out.
Do you want me to keep a slot for you?
Just reply me quickly.
That is what you send out to them.
Now, not everyone will say ‘YES’ but from working with thousands of entrepreneurs, if you send it to the right 10 people, 3 or 4 among them will immediately pay you.
Then you are in business.
I know you are already salivating now.
Now, let's wrap this up
Making money online is possible once you have a validated online business idea, one that people are willing and able to pay you handsomely for.
Then, you need a PROVEN system to help you get customers, lack of a good system is the reason most people are not consistent with their sales online.
It doesn’t matter what you currently do, truth is, if you don’t have an online business, you are seating on the ‘LONG THING’.
Go check all the guys making waves today, locally or internationally, they are online business owners.
Quickteller, paystack,Jobberman,Amazon,Jumia, Konga, Nairaland, Linda Ikeji, nairabet, all of them are online businesses.
If you already have a physical business, you need to start an online version TODAY, not tomorrow because they party started many years ago.
I'm curious, how are you going to implement all these strategies I just gave you and what lesson have you learnt?
I like to know, comment in the box below, I’m here, I’ll read your comment or question and reply you.
Yes I love this.. and in addition to this.. the life blood of any online business or offline Business is Traffic, after applying what my boss said.. you need to get traffic.
And when u get traffic,you need to build a list of targeted Audience whom have problems and wants ur information badly..This is.
Thanks for reading. Yes, Traffic and others are very important but before you get to that point, you need to first discover your a validated idea that people are willing and able to pay for.
am in Lagos ,can u send d eBook on d training
Hello Thomaa, I’m not sure i get you. What eBook and training are you refering to? If you need anything, please, send an email to support@Johnsonemmanuel.com and someone on the team will attend to you immediately.
This is a big WAOH!!! for me. Thanks for sharing the secret.
The HOW is what I’ll love to learn.
Thank you so much. God bless you now and always.
I’m glad I could help Aderiola, it’s my pleasure. Let me know if you need any help along the way.
I can access the free how to get 100 customers in 30 days download, it might be my browser, can I get it by mail sir?
Thanks for wanting to get the material, kindly refresh your browser and try again. You should be able to get it.Many thanks!
Thanks abunch sir. this is definitely impressive. GREAT idea
Joel, glad you found it useful. Let me know if you need help along the way.