Congratulations! You have one last step to confirm & secure your seat for Monetize Your Passion Summit. READ THIS LETTER CAREFULLY!

From the desk of Johnson Emmanuel.

Lagos, Nigeria

Dear friend,

Thank you for your registering for MONETIZE YOUR PASSION SUMMIT 2017, the Portharcourt edition which is coming up in July 28, 2017 in Portharcourt, Rivers state.

I will tell you something about Monetize Your Passion Summit in a moment but first, make sure you read this entire page to secure and confirm your seat for the live event because currently, you have not secured your seat yet.

 Would you like to change the world and get paid handsomely for changing the lives of millions of people around the world?

Are you ready to make people to pay you for your talents, passion, advice, skills, knowledge or expertise, while you build a highly profitable business in the process, I mean a business that gives you fame, fortune and freedom?

You may not know this but your passion, talents, natural abilities, skills, advice, knowledge or expertise has the ability to change someone’s life forever.

The impact that your advice, knowledge, passion or expertise can have on someone at the right time in their life is immeasurable.

Let me even shock you further, no matter where you are right now in your life, you have a form of advice, knowledge, expertise or passion seating inside of you and someone needs 'that thing’ inside of you.

The most valuable asset you have right now is NOT the real estate properties, it is NOT the money in the bank, it is NOT the stocks with the Nigerian stock estate or any stock exchange, it is NOT the fleets of cars.

All this things are great if you have them but they are not the most important ‘asset’ you have right now.

The most important asset you have right now is 'WHAT YOU KNOW'.

I mean it is ‘that thing’ inside your head. It is your talent, skills, advice, passion, knowledge or expertise.

Dear friend, what you know can save a lot marriages or restore relationship, it could help repair families, it can improve someone’s health drastically, it could make someone find happiness, it could restore hope where there’s no hope, it could help someone make more money, it could free someone regain freedom, it could help someone regain shape and fitness, it could help someone start and grow a new business, it could help someone save more money. 

What you know can do a lot in someone’s life and you get paid to change 'someone’s life' while building a highly profitable business that gives you fame, fortune and freedom in the process.

The big question right now is …

How do you take what you know and structure it in such a way that people will value it so much and beg you to pay for it?


Monetize Your Passion Summit,  LIVE in Port-harcourt, Friday July 28, 2017 @ 8.30am.

Oneday FREE live event that shows you, step by step, How To Turn Your Passion, Talents, Life-Experiences, Advice, Skill or Knowledge Into A Highly Profitable Business That Gives You Fortune, Freedom & Opportunity To Impact The Lives of Others In 60days or less Without Making The Mistakes Other People Are Making (Even If You're Just Getting Started).

Last month, we held the Lagos version of the event and people came all the way from Enugu, Kaduna, Abuja, Portharcourt and Akwa Ibom.

There’s this particular guy who suspended his wedding plan to attend the event, can you imagine?

Guess what?

He’s on his way right now building a business with his passion and expertise.

He sacrificed everything. First, his wedding plans, secondly, he took time to travel from Akwa Ibom to Lagos by road, 8hours+ journey.

What will stop you from attending this FREE event? No excuse is good enough.

You’ll Learn…

  •  The Proven 3 Steps Secrets To Discover Your Most Profitable (& Marketable) Passion, Talents, Gifts, Life-Experiences, Knowledge or expertise that people will gladly pay for and that will transform their lives.
  • How To Package and brand your passion,talents or expertise in such a way that people will value it and pay anything you ask them (HINT: If you do this correctly, you will make more money in a very short time)
  •  The '1 Critical Factor' you need to master to make money very fast online. It is NOT blogging, it is NOT facebooking or daily social media update it is NOT branding ( Hint: This is the REAL reason countless people are frustrated online and always fail)
  • The three things you need to start and grow a highly successful online business using ONLY your passion, skills or knowledge
  • How To Use My Simple 'POINT & KILL TECHNIQUES' to get clients who have money to pay you (Hint: This will help you get customers who have the money to pay you, any amount you mention)
  •  How To Build A Simple Marketing System that will make clients come to you with their money instead of you chasing them.
  •  How to Automate Your entire business 24/7 so that you can make sales while you sleep and also enjoy time freedom.
Mrs. Derin Ogunmola Founder,

I was at Monetize Your Passion Summit in Lagos and Johnson Emmanuel over delivered. Johnson is someone who's very passionate about what he does and I will encourage anyone who has the opportunity to learn from him to immediately jump on the opportunity. For me, Monetize Your Passion Summit was an 'eye opener'

​​Monetized Your Passion Summit is the Only live event in the entire Africa continent that shows you, step by step, how to identify your Most profitable and marketable passion, skills or expertise that people will BEG TO PAY YOU FOR.

How much is the fee?

You see, all the attendees who were at the Lagos edition of the event say they wouldn’t mind paying N80,000 for the event because it was loaded with life-changing info.

You’ll get it 100% FREE TICKET !

The only thing you have to do to get your FREE ticket is to pre-order my book for N3,000 instead of the full price of $27 (that is N10,260) and you'll automatically get a FREE ticket.

Pre-order my book for Only N3,000 instead of the full price of $27 (N10,260), ''PASSION TO DOLLARS: The Ultimate Playbook For Turning Your Passion, Talents, Skills or Knowledge Into A $1 Million Business In 11 Months'' and you will automatically get a FREE ticket to Monetize Your Passion Summit in Portharcourt, Rivers state.

Once you pre-order the book, you’ll get a FREE ticket to Monetize Your Passion Summit on July 28, 2017 in Portharcourt, Rivers State.

We’ll also ship the book to your house or office, just anywhere you want and you’ll not pay anything for shipping, it’s 100% FREE!

Here are the goodies you’ll get once you pre-order the book right now.

1: FREE ticket to Monetize Your Passion Summit in Portharcourt, July 28, 2017 (Value= N80,000)

2: Passion To Dollars book (Value= N10,260)

3: Free Shipping to your doorstep (Value= N1,000)

Total = N91,260

Pay ONLY N3,000 and you get everything including a ticket to Monetize Your Passion Summit.

Date: Friday, July 28, 2017

Time: 8:30PM

Venue: We are using one of the most popular hall in Portharcourt, Rivers state. We'll reveal the exact venue to ONLY confirmed attendees because we want don't want 'gate crashers'. So, once you secure your seat, you'll get the address.

Tomiwa Ogunremi

 If you are confused about what passion you've got and how to transform it into Naira and Kobo, you need to see Johnson Emmanuel real quick!

People came all the way from Portharcourt, Enugu, Abuja, Kaduna, Akwa Ibom to attend the Lagos edition

They paid to access the event.

They paid to transport themselves.

They paid for the hotel they stayed.

They paid to move round the city of Lagos to the event.

They sacrificed every other thing and today, they are on their way right now building a highly profitable business that gives them fame, fortune and freedom.

​There's a Bad News...

When we had the event in Lagos, I told people that we had limited ticket and they thought it was one of those 'marketing gimmick'​ people do to make them quickly pay for things.

I don't do that. People who do that don't know what they are doing. They are trading money for integrity, they won't last long in business.​

​So, some people who came to Monetize Your Passion Summit in Lagos didn't get a seat. We shut the door because we had limited capacity.

As you read this letter now, we have ONLY 70 seats available and right now, there are  ONLY 33 seats left. When I say  33 seats are left, I mean  33 seats.

Don't let what happened in Lagos happen to you, No time to waste. Don't say I didn't tell you.

We have a huge online following, we are also advertising this event online and we are also doing adverts on radio, so we are definitely going to fill the room very, very quickly. The Only safest time to secure your seat is now.

Dennis Obinna

 I was at Monetized Your Passion Summit in Lagos and was mesmerized with the dexterity which you exhibited. I'm grateful for the knowlegde and advice you impacted us that day, thank you so much. 

Are you the next?

1: Take a look at your life and business from January till June, are you really, really satisfied?

If Not, do a new thing this month of July so the next 6 months can be the best for you.

Monetize Your Passion Summit will help you do it step by step and it’s at 8.30am July 28, 2017 in Portharcourt, Rivers state.

2: If you are working currently, are you really, really satisfied and fulfilled both with your work environment, conditions and pay?

Be honest very, very honest, are you?

If Not, Monetize Your Passion Summit will help you start a business that gives you fame, fortune and freedom.

You can be like Sarah Jones who decided to start a business with her knowledge.

She was working in a company and she was not happy with the work and her boss.

She decided to monetize her passion. She started advising guys who are shy to approach women and today, she makes $20,000 per month and she puts smile on the faces of these guys.

Monetize Your Passion Summit will show you, step by step, how to turn your passion, skill or knowledge into a highly profitable business that gives you fame, fortune and freedom and it’s at 8.30am July 28, 2017 in Portharcourt, Rivers state.

3: Do you have a skill?

You can be like Purna Chando who despite no constant electricity, no good internet connection, terrible India accent, no technical skill still went ahead to turn his skill of Microsoft excel into a $1,000,000 per year business.

Monetize Your Passion Summit will show you, step by step, how to turn your passion, skill or knowledge into a highly profitable business that gives you fame, fortune and freedom and it’s at 8.30am July 28, 2017 in Portharcourt, Rivers state.

4: Are you passionate about anything in this life?

You can be like John Lee Dumas who was in the US military but decide to make money with his passion, the only problem was that he didn’t have the money to pay for coaching, just $1,000.

JLD as his fondly called did what most people will not do. Instead of crying and just saying ‘I don’t have money’, he decided to look for a way to get the money and pay.

Today, John has now made over $10,000,000 (Yes! Ten Million dollars) with his passion.

Monetize Your Passion Summit will show you, step by step, how to turn your passion, skill or knowledge into a highly profitable business that gives you fame, fortune and freedom and it’s at 8.30am July 28, 2017 in Portharcourt, Rivers state.

So, Secure your free ticket by pre-ordering my book.

​I look forward to seeing you live, honestly, I'm already excited about this event and you'll be happy because your next 6 months from today will be your best ever.


Johnson Emmanuel

PS: Incase you are like me who likes to skip down, the gist is that, we are bringing Monetize Your Passion Summit to Portharcourt, Africa's ONLY live summit that shows you, step by step, how to turn your passion, talents, skills or knowledge into a highly profitable​ business that gives you fame, fortune and freedom in 60days or less.

Pre-order my book for Only N3,000 instead of the full price of $27 (N10,260),

''PASSION TO DOLLARS: The Ultimate Playbook For Turning Your Passion, Talents, Skills or Knowledge Into A $1 Million Business In 11 Months''

and you will automatically get a FREE ticket to Monetize Your Passion Summit in Portharcourt, Rivers state.

​Click here to secure your seat right now.

We have very limited seats,70 seats, ONLY  33 left.​

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